Home Carer Kits

The daily 4 Wellness checks on a daily basis if there's anything inflammatory or infection-wise happening to you, your family member or individual you are caring for.

Each morning, take a temperature reading, check SPO2 with the meter on a finger and puff as hard as you can into a peak flow tube.

Enter the results into the platform online using either your phone, pad or laptop.

The results will automatically trend so you can see your consistency on a daily basis. If your temperature and resting pulse rate suddenly begin to increase and your oxygenation and lung capacity begin to decrease then you know that something is beginning to affect you.

We're told that even Covid takes 2 to 5 days to infect us but you should notice the trend before you even begin to feel ill.

To recap, if the pulse rate and temperature are increasing, oxygenation and lung capacity decreasing then something is amiss.

Load up on vitamin C and hydrate then re-do the test at lunchtime, again mid-afternoon and again when you get back from work in the evening. If the trend is continuing, ensure you isolate. Do the tests again the following morning, you'll see the speed the infection is increasing and take appropriate action.

Book an appointment either with your GP or to get a Covid test to see what is happening but you will be in control, you can isolate and not infect others.

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