Vitalise Step 18 Plus

Vitalise Step 18 Plus

Monitor the make up of your body and how it's functioning right now. See how making changes to your diet, nutrition and lifestyle can improve the performance of your body.

Whether you are keen to monitor yourself or your family member for general wellbeing, or a fitness enthusiast striving for optimal body performance, this screening kit will provide you with an essential insight into where you are doing well and where improvements can be made. 

Keep track of your progress from the comfort of your home, measure your own vital signs, entering the results into the system using your smart phone, iPad or laptop to keep a record of your results. 

This data is shared securely with us so that we can monitor your results and send detailed recommendations on diet, lifestyle and supplement changes each month, moving you towards optimum vitality.*

*The Your Future Vitality Screening System is fully GDPR compliant. 

Vitalise Step 18 Plus

A weekly check on 18 measures, also including the Intelligent Scales…. allowing you to:

  • Improve your diet and digestion.
  • Keep your immune system in tip top shape.
  • See if your weight loss programme is working.
  • Keep an eye out for nasties sneaking up from behind.
  • Monitor the make up of your body and how it's functioning right now; bone, water, lean muscle, good fat and not so good visceral fat can all be identified.

NOTE: Intelligent Scales are not intended for use by people with a pacemaker or if pregnant.

What it measures:

The basic 4 for monitoring infection and inflammation.

  • Pulse rate
  • Temperature
  • Oxygenation (Spo2)
  • Lung capacity

Saliva and Urine to measure:

  • Both ends of your digestion to see how well that's doing
  • Hydration
  • Kidney function
  • Immune system

Blood pressure test to keep track of:

  • Heart and circulation.
  • Signs of stress

Intelligent Scales to measure**:

  • Weight
  • Bone Mass
  • Body Water %
  • Lean Muscle
  • Body Fat %
  • Visceral fat

What’s involved

  • Take a temperature reading
  • Check SPO2 with the meter on a finger
  • Puff as hard as you can into a peak flow tube
  • Collect a urine sample and measure this with the urine dip sticks
  • Use a saliva test stick to measure the pH of your saliva
  • Take your blood pressure
  • Stand on the Intelligent Scales and take the measurements**

Enter the results into the system online using either your phone, pad or laptop. The results will automatically trend so you can see your consistency.

The kit

  • Digital thermometer
  • SPo2
  • Peak Flow Monitor
  • Urine Dip Sticks*
  • Saliva Dip Sticks*
  • Blood Pressure Monitor
  • Intelligent scales**

* To be replaced by the client once they run out.

** Not intended for use by people with a pacemaker or if pregnant.

***If you already own any items in the kit, you can exclude these and will not be charged.

****Training videos are provided for all Home Screening Kits 


Kit Price - £130 (plus p&p) 
Subscription - £20 per month 

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For subscription information click here.


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